Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gracie Allise Wright-Reflection on Giving Birth

Tears of pain soon turned into tears of happiness on September 23rd, 2009 at 1:17 PM. Our beautiful daughter has finally arrived. God, Joey, and I created the most precious child in the entire world. Gracie weighed 6 lbs 3 oz and was 18 3/4 inches long. I must admit when labor began I kept repeating...I cannot do this...but with the good Lord watching over me and a little help from medications Gracie arrived after just one push! I did not think it was possible to love someone that much...I mean I love my family, I love my husband, but the love of a child takes love to a much different level. This past week we have just watched her every move, every sound, and every second has been complete heaven. Right now she is sitting in her swing with her bright blue eyes watching Mommy and she has a slight case of hiccups (so of course I stopped mid typing to go capture it on the video camera). After trying to have a child for over 19 months Gracie was a miracle and a blessing. I honestly thank God every other second of the day for such a beautiful, healthly, and precious baby. And Joey...wow...he is such a wonderful daddy. He is so attentive and bless his heart he kisses her 24/7. So although we are sleep deprived, a little stir crazy, and beyond busy....Gracie Allise Wright seems to melt all our worries and troubles away. Here are a few pictures of our little angel: