Friday, May 29, 2009

20 weeks and still waiting...

Yesterday Joey and I were SO excited to find out the sex of our baby. Well I am guessing it might be a boy because it was so stubborn and restless that the lady could not see the "goodies". It was on its butt for the most part. But on the plus side the baby was very active and healthy. We get to go back in two weeks (June 11- our 4 year anniversary) to try again. Maybe next time will bring us better luck!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Hectic Life

Right now my life is just plain crazy. We have 10 days of school left. I am trying to keep my kids quite in the hallways because of testing, test them myself without Mrs. Flener because she is a proctor in 5th grade, get the graduation things going, box up my stuff for my big move down the hall and in the middle of all of this madness I am trying to TEACH! Also, Amber and I are taking TWO summer classes and one started yesterday. I do not understand any of the terminology for my first class- Research Methods, but I guess I will just have to "wing" it. And to add to that we are making some changes in the house...the new baby room right now has no walls, no carpet and no door. Joey has been laid off now going on 6 weeks...pretty scary at times. And yesterday during a freak accident at the pond he dropped my new cell phone in the pond! BUT on the bright side we go to the doctor next Thursday for our anatomy ultrasound! YAY! Please keep us in your prayers during this very demanding, exciting, and hectic time in the Wright family.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend 2009

Well this Mother's Day was extra special because I am pregnant with our first child. Several of my students got me "Mommy to Be" presents. Timmy and Michelle also go me the cutest I LOVE MOMMY bib and Joey got me a new cell phone (typical Joey)! At church I got the cutest diaper bag. On Saturday night we went down Timmy and Michelle's for a fish fry and had a great time. I got to hold the most precious little baby Sawyer who was just 2 months old. That really made me have baby fever! Joey was called back into work for Sunday so I went out to eat with the grandparents after church. Last night Joey ripped up the carpet in the baby's room so it is now ready for a new floor. We are also putting on a new roof. I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

17 Weeks and Counting

Yesterday I went for my 17 week check-up with Dr. Drexel. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat at 153 bpm. He said everything was progressing well, but I needed to drink more fluids because I was a little dehydrated. We go back May 28th to find out the sex of the baby. We are just beyond trilled with that appointment. After the doctor we went to grab a bite to eat at Zaxby's.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Saturday Joey and I got up and went to Cracker Barrel to eat breakfast and to Toys R Us to look at some baby stuff (which is always fun). We got home and it was raining so the weather gave Joey and I the perfect opportunity to work on cleaning out the extra bedroom for the baby. This room was full...I mean FULL of everything from hunting stuff, Christmas decorations, clothes, old Nintendo games, and lots of childhood. After sixteen 40 gallon totes were full we took them up Grandma's to store upstairs until we can get our house built. Now the room is finally EMPTY! We are going to rip up the carpet and put down laminate wood flooring, paint the walls, put up a new lighting fixture, put in a new window, and redo the closet. It will probably be around 2 years until we are in the house (but we do have the blue prints and the house looks great on paper- ha!) so we decided to give the back bedroom a face lift for our little one coming this fall. I go to the doctor tomorrow and I will be one day shy of 17 weeks. My tummy is now growing and getting hard. What an amazing feeling!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Being Pregnant with My BFF

When I found out that I was pregnant in Feb. one of the first people I called was my BFF Amber Deweese. She is also pregnant and is due July 19th. She went with me to the doctor to confirm my pregnancy. That day I believe she was just as excited as I was. Since then we have just been gushing over baby clothes and accessories every time we have a girls day out! Yesterday she went for a 4D ultrasound and she got to see baby Blake with his tongue sticking out. It was so adorable! It is so much fun to share the excitement and our experiences with each other and such a blessing to be pregnant with my BFF!