Friday, June 12, 2009

It's a GIRL!

On our fourth wedding anniversary Joey and I had the pleasure to find out that we are indeed going to be having a little girl in October! I think we were both in complete shock because Joey's family is completely dominated by boys! But we are just so blessed to be having a healthy precious little girl. I started the shopping and I can tell you that it is NOT going to be easy not to buy, buy, buy sweet little girl clothes. There are so MANY! Amber and I went down to Opry Mills today and the Carter store had a huge sale up to 70% off and we both dropped a little $$$...but so worth it! So we are naming the little angel Gracie Allise (pronounced Alease, not Alice). She is going to have Joey wrapped around her little finger. He was so funny yesterday when we registered at Target. He would NOT give me the registry gun. He is going to be such a good daddy. Thank God for my little family! Check out picture #2 in the ultrasound...she has her precious little hand/arm up by her face. GODLOVE IT!

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