Friday, June 26, 2009

24+ Weeks and Counting...

Today we went to the doctor for my 24 week check-up. Upon arrival I completed the sugar tolerance test- YUCK! It tasted a bit like a flat Sunkist, but at 8 o' clock in the morning it wasn't that tasty. I then went up to Dr. Drexel's office and I surprisingly lost another lb. That puts the total to 34 lbs. We heard the baby's heart rate at 133 bpm. I talked to the dr. about my constant headaches and he said it could be the tense muscles in my neck. He recommended me going to see a chiropractor, so I made an appointment for Monday. He is suppose to call with my sugar results. Miss Gracie did measure 'big'. He said that she measured at 26 weeks instead of 24 weeks. But he said not to worry. We go back in four weeks for a 4D ultrasound to check the baby's weight and fluid. At this time we get to meet Dr. Gass who might be delivering Gracie if Dr. Drexel is not available. We finished registering today at Target and Wal-Mart. Joey is really working hard on Gracie's room. I cannot wait to see the finished product and get the baby crib, dresser, and changing table assembled. She is just moving up a storm. Even today it was hard for the nurse to get the heart rate because she was moving so much. I told the nurse that she moves A LOT at night and she said that most of the times they keep the same sleeping habits when they are born....GREAT- ha ha! We could not be happier right now and we hope that God keeps our little one safe until her arrival in just a few months!

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