Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Hectic Life

Right now my life is just plain crazy. We have 10 days of school left. I am trying to keep my kids quite in the hallways because of testing, test them myself without Mrs. Flener because she is a proctor in 5th grade, get the graduation things going, box up my stuff for my big move down the hall and in the middle of all of this madness I am trying to TEACH! Also, Amber and I are taking TWO summer classes and one started yesterday. I do not understand any of the terminology for my first class- Research Methods, but I guess I will just have to "wing" it. And to add to that we are making some changes in the house...the new baby room right now has no walls, no carpet and no door. Joey has been laid off now going on 6 weeks...pretty scary at times. And yesterday during a freak accident at the pond he dropped my new cell phone in the pond! BUT on the bright side we go to the doctor next Thursday for our anatomy ultrasound! YAY! Please keep us in your prayers during this very demanding, exciting, and hectic time in the Wright family.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to be updated on the ultrasound...I will take any maternity clothes you have... Just let me know and if nothing else I will come to your house one weekend... THANKS
