Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend 2009

Well this Mother's Day was extra special because I am pregnant with our first child. Several of my students got me "Mommy to Be" presents. Timmy and Michelle also go me the cutest I LOVE MOMMY bib and Joey got me a new cell phone (typical Joey)! At church I got the cutest diaper bag. On Saturday night we went down Timmy and Michelle's for a fish fry and had a great time. I got to hold the most precious little baby Sawyer who was just 2 months old. That really made me have baby fever! Joey was called back into work for Sunday so I went out to eat with the grandparents after church. Last night Joey ripped up the carpet in the baby's room so it is now ready for a new floor. We are also putting on a new roof. I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

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