Sunday, June 13, 2010

Summer is here!

Over the past few weeks I have wrapped up the end of school with kindergarten graduation, closing day, and two professional developments on the new math series. I am so glad to be home for the summer and spend time with Gracie. I am taking my 6th master class (4 more to go) and I will finish it up the last week of June, then I can officially be free for the summer. It amazes me to see Gracie change from day to day. She is saying, bye-bye, papaw (so Papaw says), and hi. He giggles when I blow on her tummy or tickle her under her chin. She smiles when I throw Addy in the air at grandma's house, she kicks her feet in the big pool, and she loves to throw things in the floor so I will have to pick them up (this is her favorite game I believe). Above are some pictures of Gracie making daddy a Father's Day gift at the Paintn' Place, and a few places she likes to nap.

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