Sunday, May 16, 2010

Indianapolis Weekend Adventure

When I found out my brother Jarrod was moving to Indianapolis I was certain he would be back already and almost 3 months later we found ourself loading up the SUV on the way to visit him in his new apartment. I was not sure what to expect, but I am glad Jarrod is at least doing something with his life. He works for a landscaping company and rooms with his friend Jeremiah. He seems happy up there, not sure why because I would SO MUCH rather be here in Small Town, USA...the sounds, the smells, the crime, the traffic, the neighbors, EVERYTHING is so different...but Jarrod being the rebel he is thinks otherwise. We visited, chatted, took him some appliances, kitchenware, clothes, food, etc. We stayed at a hotel and let Gracie swim and she LOVED IT. We went to the GIANT 4 level mall in downtown and we stayed 3 hrs. and did not even begin to touch the tip of the iceberg. I did get Gracie a very adorable pink skirt (expensive), but worth it. Here are some photos of the trip and I am looking forward to going back this summer!

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