Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ice Storm 2009 = Baby Boom!

At this time last year we were embarking on a terrible ice storm that left most of us without power for over a week. Joey and I stayed at my grandparent's house because they had a generator. I was so grumpy during this time. The first night the power came back on was Feb. 3rd. We went home that night. The next morning I woke up and fixed myself something to eat. I realized on my calendar it was time for me to start my monthly cycle (since me and my husband had been trying for over 19 months to have a baby I would go ahead and take a test). I took the test....went out of the room start cleaning out the refrigerator. I actually forgot about the test and went back in to take out the garbage and glanced down to see TWO PINK LINES! I almost jumped completely out of my skin. I immediately called Joey and then the doctor. I went that day to my fertility doctor to verify and to my most pleasant surprise I was infact pregnant with our first child. Joey and I were so trilled. We spent the next 9 months planning the arrival of Gracie. On September 23, 2009 she came into this world and opened our eyes to a new and exciting adventure. It was a baby boom in the hospital from the Ice Storm. The ice storm was a blessing for us....it gave us Gracie :)

She went for her 4 month check up yesterday. She weighed 12 lbs. 15 oz. and was 23.5 inches long. She had a slight popping in her hip so we go Wednesday for an ultrasound to see what is going on. We hope and pray that everything is okay and that she continues to be healthy and grow. It has been so fun watching her grow in the past year in and out of my belly! :)

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