Friday, July 24, 2009

Gracie Allise- 4D Ultrasound

Today Joey, Grandma, Papaw and I made our way to Dr. Drexel's office. Grandma and Joey went in with me and got to see Gracie's precious little face...well half of it because she would not put her arm down. I got good and bad news. She weighs 2 lbs. 11 oz. right now, so that is good. But I did have high blood pressure and he put me on some medication. He said if it did not improve then more than likely I would be off work sooner than later. The news scared me a bit. Plus my blood was RH positive which means I needed to get a shot because my body could see Gracie as a bacteria and try to get rid of it. But the doctor assured me this was OK and the shot would prevent any trouble. So we are so excited about our little girl. She is so precious! Her heartrate was 159 bpm. I start going every two weeks now and have a stress test done everytime I go to make sure the baby is ok. Please keep us in your prayers!

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