Friday, April 24, 2009

New to Blogging

I decided to jump on board with blogging. Since I am now an expecting mommy to be I thought it would be a great opportunity to share my exciting life with my loved ones. Right now I am a little over 15 weeks pregnant with our little miracle baby. After 19 months of trying we were blessed on Feb. 4th to find out I am indeed pregnant with our first child. So far in the pregnancy I have been sick at night for the most part, but SO worth it. We have been to the doctor three times so far. Dr. Drexel is very nice. We got to see our little baby on the moniter and the last time we heard his/her heartbeat at 164 bpm. I am so excited to see if we are having a little boy or little girl. We do have names picked out (but subject to change; however we are pretty stuck on these). A boy- Jaxen Neal after Joey's dad Jack and Joey's middle name Neal. A girl- Gracie Allise after my middle name Alisa. Hopefully in the next month I will be able to reveal the big mystery!

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